Guide for Authors

Table of Contents:  
The Caspian Journal of Health Research (CJHR) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles pertaining to different fields of health sciences, such as epidemiology, occupational and environmental health, public health, health education and promotion, management of health care services and other related issues. The articles may include new experimental methods of health importance, new experimentally obtained results, new interpretation of existing results or data pertaining to health problems, or epidemiological work of substantial scientific significance. All such articles should aim for the development of health concepts rather than merely recording the facts. Incomplete studies will be strongly discouraged. The journal categorizes articles into Original, Review, Case Report, Rapid communication and Letter to the Editor. Each type of article has a special format and should comply with the updated CJHR Instructions for Authors, which are published in all issues.
Type of Manuscript
Original article
These will present primary research, methodologically accurate articles that are relevant to health sciences. They should contain no more than 7,000 words excluding structured abstract, tables, and references. For all original articles, a structured abstract no longer than 250 words should be provided with the following headings: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. A total of 7 figures or tables are allowed.
Review Article
These articles consist of Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis and Narrative Review.  Reviews must have the approximate length of 7,000 words including abstract, tables, figure legends, references. The total number of figures and/or tables is limited to 7. Authors are to clearly cover search strategy and selection criteria, data extraction, quality assessment, and data analysis in the method section. A structured abstract is required
Letters to the Editor
This is either a brief summary of an original research or a comment on papers previously published in this journal. We do not accept a case report No abstraction is required. The letter should be 800 words or less (including references and figure legends) with a maximum of 10 references and may include only 1 figure/table.
The editorial is scientific review on one or two of the current topics pertaining to medical sciences (preference is given to current health problems in Islamic Republic of Iran). Editorials are no more than 2000 words and are written by the Editorial Board members. Editorials are preferably
Scientific Note
CJHR publishes brief notes to report information and observation for which replication is not possible or additional data cannot be easily obtained and which have an exceptional scientific interest. The authors must justify in the cover letter the appropriateness of presenting their data as a Scientific Note. The length of such notes will be strictly restricted to 3 pages (i.e about 9,000 characters, spaces excluded, if only text and references) and publication will depend on the availability of space in the journal and general interest to readers of CJHR. This form is intended to augment scientific communication and is by no means for articles that are not of sufficient rigor to be published as full papers. All submissions must include ‘scientific note’ in the title.

Ethical policy

Any submission that has data collected from human subjects requires ethics approval. Human clinical trials and studies conducted in animals must have been approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). In the absence of such a formal ethics review committee, the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 and/or the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, as adopted and promulgated by the United States National Institutes of Health, must be followed. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. In case of any study involving clinical trial, taking of informed consent of patients is mandatory. Whenever editorial committee of CJHR feels necessary, the research paper will be referred to the ethical committee at the Guilan University of Medical Sciences for its evaluation and approval.

Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest exists when as author (or the author’s institution), reviewer, or editor has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influences (bias) his or her actions (such relationship are also known as dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties). However, conflicts can also occur for other reasons, such as personal relationships, academic competition, and intellectual passion. Increasingly, individual studies receive funding from commercial firms, private foundations, and the government. The conditions of this funding have the potential to bias and otherwise discredit the research.
When authors submit a manuscript, they are required to disclose all financial and personal relationships that might bias their work. To prevent ambiguity, authors must state explicitly whether potential conflicts do or do not exist.
It is the discretion of editorial committee of CJHR to resolve any conflict of interest between the author(s) and reviewers. Editors may choose not to consider an article for publication if they feel that the research is biased by the sponsors funding the research project.

Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and representing them as one’s own original work. Within the academia, it is considered academic dishonesty or academic fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure. Plagiarism can be unintentional or intentional, reproducing academic material without appropriate credit to the original authors. Similarly self plagiarism is the re-use of significant, identical or near identical portions of one’s own work without citing the original work. This is also known as “Recycling fraud.” Worst form of plagiarism is to steal the whole article from some journal and publish it under one’s own name in another journal. The Editorial Committee of CJHR will blacklist any author found to be guilty of plagiarism. The name of author(s) committing plagiarism will also be disseminated to editors of other medical journals.
CJHR supports the Open Access initiative. Abstracts and full texts of all articles published by CJHR are freely accessible to everyone immediately upon publication. Reusing and publishing published articles is permitted upon providing the appropriate bibliographic citation of CJHR published articles.

Manuscript Submission
All manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s online submission system at Submissions made via e-mail or mailed to the editorial office will not be processed. If you are submitting a manuscript to CJHR for the first time, you need to first register online and create your profile. After registering and creating your username and password, you can log in and submit your manuscript in an MSWord file format. Before submission make sure that the manuscript conforms to the journal’s guidelines for the preparation of the manuscript.
Manuscript Preparation

General style
Manuscript must be in good English, typewritten using Times New Roman in double-spaced, blinded format, in 12-point type, with page numbered. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright owner for the use of any copyrighted material in the submitted article.
Cover letter
The cover letter accompanying the manuscript must specify the type of manuscript and include statements on ethical issues and conflicts of interest, and complete contact information for the corresponding author. The cover letter should include the following statement: "All authors have read and approved the submitted manuscript, the manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere nor published elsewhere in whole or in part, except as an abstract (if relevant)." The cover letter may include the names of up to 3 potential reviewers whom the authors would like to suggest, especially members of the editorial board.

Manuscripts should be presented in the following sequence:
1. Title page
2. Abstract
3. Main text including Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions
4. Acknowledgments
5.Ethical Consideration
6. Sources of Funding
7. Conflict(s) of Interest and any Disclosure(s)
8. References
9. Figure Legends
10. Tables
11. Figures

Title Page
The first page should contain all the following information: title; the full names of all authors and affiliations; a running title (not exceeding 50 characters, including spaces); and the contact information for the corresponding author including the complete address, telephone number, fax number, and email address. When there are multiple authors from multiple affiliations, use lower-case letters as superscripts in the order of appearance.

The Abstract must appear on a separate page. All Original Articles must include abstracts that do not exceed 300 words with the following structure: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Each title should be terminated in boldface.
Abstracts are required for Reviews, but the structured format used in Original Articles is not necessary. Between 3 and 6 keywords selected from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) should be provided at the end of the abstract page.

Main Text
The main text of Original Article must be prepared under the following subheadings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. There is no restriction on section headings for Review Articles.
The first indent should be suppressed only after a section heading and that all other paragraphs must be indented, for each paragraph, (1) ensure that it is separated from the previous paragraph by a vertical space, and (2) do not include any new-line or new-paragraph marks (except at the end of the paragraph). Do not include any new-page marks in the file.
Use SI units of measurement in all manuscripts. For example, cm should be changed to mm. The SI unit should be used in the text, followed by the conventionally used measurement in parentheses. All drugs should be referred to by their generic names rather than trade names. The generic chemical identification of all investigational drugs must be provided.
Manuscripts that describe studies on humans must indicate that the study was approved by an institutional review committee and that all participants gave informed consent. If not, the authors should state the appropriate reasons, and the Editorial Committee will decide the relevance. Manuscripts involving animals must indicate that the study was approved by an institutional animal care and use committee.

All sources of funding and financial or material support should be clearly identified in an acknowledgement. All authors are also required to report potential conflicts of interest, including funding and specific financial interests relevant to the subject of their manuscript in an acknowledgement.

References should be listed consecutively as numerical in parentheses. The final bibliography should be listed on a separate page at the end of the paper in the order in which they are quoted in the text. Papers that are "submitted" not be referenced. The accuracy of reference data is the author's responsibility. Journal abbreviations should conform to the style used in the Cumulated Index Medicus. List all authors when there are 6 or fewer; when there are 7 or more, list only the first 6 and add "et al."

Example of Reference Style:
Standard journal article
Cockerham WC. Health lifestyle theory and the convergence of agency and structure. J Health Soc Behav. 2005;46(1):51-67.

Article with a non–English-language title
Daudon M, Bounxouei B, Santa Cruz F, Leite da Silva S, Diouf B, Angwafoo FF, et al. Composition of renal stones currently observed in non-industrialized countries [in French]. Prog Urol. 2004;14(6):1151-1161.
Agresti A. Categorical data analysis. 3rd ed. Hoboken: Wiley; 2014.
Book Section
Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, eds. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002:93-113.
Scientific Report/Agency Publication
Reinhardt UE, Cheng T. The world health report 2000-Health systems: improving performance. Geneva: Bulletin of the World Health Organization; 2000.

Conference presentation
Ridout M, Demétrio CG, Hinde J. Models for count data with many zeros. Presented at: Proceedings of the XIXth international biometric conference. Cape Town, South Africa, December 14-18, 1998.
Griffin JA. Improving health care delivery through multi-objective resource allocation [dissertation]. Atlanta, GA: School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology; 2012.
Greene WH. Accounting for excess zeros and sample selection in Poisson and negative binomial regression models. Available at: 1293115. Updated November 03, 2008. Accessed January 12, 2018.
Otherwise follow uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals (

Tables and figures
Each table should be provided with a title on a separate page and created left to right in Word. Cite and number tables in the order they are mentioned in the text. Use horizontal lines only above and below column headings and at the bottom of the table. Do not use vertical lines. All abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in tables. For footnotes, use the following symbols in the indicated sequence: †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶, **, ††, ‡ and ‡.
Figures should be cited in numerical order (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) as they appear in the text. The figures should not be embedded in the manuscript file. Figures must be submitted as separate files saved in JPEG, TIFF, GIF, or EPS format. All digitized images must be of high quality; that is, resolutions of at least 300 dpi for color figures, 600 dpi for greyscales and 1200 dpi for line arts. Figure number and legend always appear below the figure
Manuscript Processing
Upon initial submission of the manuscript, the author is acknowledged of the receipt via e-mail. The manuscript is categorized according to the type of article into Original, Review, and so forth. Each type of article has a special format and should comply with the updated CJHR Instruction to Authors, which are published in all issues. Normally an article is initially reviewed by one member of the Editorial team to judge the quality of the paper. Articles written in poor English language or not conforming to CJHR guidelines are either rejected or returned to the authors to rectify the shortcomings. Manuscripts deemed proper are forwarded to at least two subject experts to provide their unbiased input. Acceptable manuscripts are checked for data analysis and verification of references before the author is notified about the status of the paper with any suggestions for modifications. Finally accepted articles are forwarded to the printer for typeset and formatting, etc. and the proof is sent to the authors for proof reading, before it is published. The duration of judging articles is 40 to 60 days, and authors can follow up on their articles after this time.
Peer Review Policy
Unbiased, independent, critical assessment is an intrinsic part of all scholarly work, including the scientific process. Peer review is the critical assessment of manuscripts submitted to journals by experts who are not part of the editorial staff, and is, therefore, an important extension of the scientific process. Each article submitted to CJHR for publication is reviewed by at least two senior specialists of the concerned specialty. The “double blind” process is strictly followed and, in certain controversial cases, the opinion of a 3rd reviewer can also be sought.
 Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Costs to authors
There are no charges for article submission or processing to authors.

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